Magic Water
*(distraction) When?When a child is hurt or upset, this distraction helps to calm him down. Why?
How?* If a child has a little tumble
or if he is Adaptation
I'm so Glad I Came to school |
*(sense of belonging) When?Start circle time with a smile and this song. Why?Children will learn the name of their school and develop a sense of belonging to the school group. What?bell
How? *Ring a little bell, then begin this chant. Adaptation* Here's a song to build school identity. The name of my school
is (name school),
Tidy Up |
*(clean up time)When?
Make a Lap |
When? This little poem helps children sit down or stand up. Why? When children repeat the words and make the motions, they settle down. What? How?
Ask the children to repeat each line.
The Snap Rap |
When? This snappy rap focuses children's attention on the playground or in the classroom. Why? As children join in with the steady beat, they are encouraged to listen and follow directions.
Adaptations For children who can't snap, simply clap to the beat. Change the words to what the children are expected to do. For example, "If you want to go outside, this is what you do. You've got to line up at the door like the soldiers do." Do the Magic Clap. Tell the children that whenever you clap a pattern, they should stop, repeat it and look at you. Practice a few times, then give it a try on the playground or in the classroom when you need their attention. |
Tighten-Relax |
When? Use this activity to calm children before nap time. Why? Tighten-Relax helps children recognize parts of the body as well as release stress. What? tape or record of classical music (Baroque works best.) How? Have the children lie on their backs with their eyes closed. Turn off the lights and play the classical music. With the children, work through the following exercise. Wiggle your toes. Tighten them up very tight Tighter. Now let them relax. Wiggle your feet. Tighten them up very tight. Tighter. Now let them relax. Wiggle your legs .... Wiggle your hands ... Wiggle your arms... Wiggle your neck ... Wiggle your head... Wiggle your whole body ... Your body feels warm and good all over. It is now ready to rest. |
Adaptations Have the children squeeze different parts of their bodies like lemons, then relax them. Tell the children to stretch various parts of the body. Try this breathing exercise with children. Pretend you are a balloon. Blow yourself way up. Bigger, bigger! Now slowly let out all of the air. Put your hands on your tummy. Now blow it up with air. Do you feel it getting bigger and bigger? Now slowly let out all of the air.
Ten in the Bed |
When? Grab children's attention with the prop for this song. Start the song and challenge children to finish cleaning up and join circle time (or anytime) before the last bear falls off the bed! Why? While children are singing along they learn numerals and about subtraction. What? file folder construction paper markers scissors brad fastener tape piece of fabric 1 4" x 1 0" Preparation
Color the bears and cut out the pillow. |
How? Ask the children to hold up ten fingers. Open the file folder and count the ten bears in the bed. Begin the song, turning the wheel to make a bear disappear after each verse. There were ten in the bed (hold up ten fingers) And the little one said, 'Roll over, roll over. ' (roll hands) So they all rolled over And one fell out. (hold up nine fingers) There were nine in the bed (hold up nine fingers) And the little one said... (continue until there is one bear left) There was one in the bed And the little one said, I've got the whole bed to myself.- (Clap hands and sing the following to the tune of "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.") "I've got the whole bed to myself. I've got the whole bed to myself. I've got the whole bed to myself." |
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