F.E.A.T. - Chattanooga

PO Box 23731
Chattanooga, TN 37422
 (423) 296-0092

Volume I
Issue 5
April 1999

Outback Steakhouse Fundraiser

Outback Steakhouse, located on Hamilton Place Boulevard, has agreed to host a luncheon to benefit F.E.A.T. - Chattanooga on Saturday, May 15 from Noon until 2:00 p.m. Outback Steakhouse will prepare a variety of items from their menu for all that attend. Only 200 tickets are available for this special event! Tickets are $10 per person and 100% of the funds raised go to FEAT - Chattanooga!

FEAT will be approaching businesses, groups and individuals for sponsorships for this luncheon. Included with this newsletter is a sponsorship outline of what the sponsors receive for their donation. Deadline for sponsorship money is May 10, 1999.

Tickets to the luncheon will be available at the next membership meeting on April 13. If you are unable to attend the next meeting, please call the FEAT phone number to reserve your tickets. If you are able to sell a sponsorship, please leave a message with the sponsor information and what sponsor level they are interested in.

FEAT - Chattanooga is very excited about this fundraising opportunity and appreciates the benevolent generosity of Outback Steakhouse.

 Upcoming Meetings

April 13, 1999 -
Guest Speaker -
   Teresa Bruns
Occupational Therapy
Plus an inspiring Guest Speaker

May 11, 1999 -
Guest Speaker -
  Valerie Jianotti
Special Education

 Meeting Time and Place
Second Tuesday of Each Month
 6:30 pm   Room 140
Massoud Pediatric Building
 T. C. Thompson
Children's Hospital

(see our Group Information Page)


This Space Available

We need your information for the newsletter. Please fax, email or mail your submission to Phillip Deal prior to the 25th of each month.

Fax: 778-6837
Email: message@featchatt.org
Mail: PO Box 23731
Chatt, TN 37422

 Welcome Packets

Welcome Packets are available at all meetings. If you have not received yours yet and are unable to attend the next meeting, please call our FEAT-Chattanooga phone number and leave your name and mailing address and we will send one to you.

STEP Workshop

A BASIC Rights workshop, provided by STEP (Support and Training for Exceptional Parents) will be held on Saturday, May 8, 1999, at the Park Ridge Medical Center, Conference Room B from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

This workshop is designed for parents of children in special education and parents of children who might need special education.

You will receive the 1997 IDEA Ammendments, the new IEP forms and instructions for their use, and information on new components of the law. Come and learn about Special Education rights so that you can be an informed, prepared participant in the development of your child's IEP.

To register or for more information, call
Cecelia Cox at (423) 886-4765.

Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks. It's just a matter of how you view them.


Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. Several events listed below will be taking place throughout the month of April to make others more aware of Autism.

A television interview is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6 at 6:30 a.m. with Don Welch, Channel 9.

A television interview is scheduled for Tuesday, April 13 at 10:30 a.m. with Melydia Clewell and Marcia Kling on Channel 9.

Autism Awareness ribbons -- included with this newsletter and available at the next FEAT meeting.

A Children's Health Fair at Bayside Baptist Church on April 17. FEAT-Chattanooga will have a booth set up and brochures available.

Pam Kibby, FEAT-Chattanooga board member and also the reigning Mrs. Tennessee, is recording public service announcements regarding Autism to be shown on television stations across the state of Tennessee.

Information mailings to childcare centers and similar organizations.

Updates on the above events and other events still in the planning stages will be announced at the April 13 meeting.

A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark. (Chinese Proverb)

Autism Information Mailing

Thanks to those who were able to help with FEAT-Chattanooga's first autism information mailing. The mailing went to 334 pediatricians and family doctors in the Chattanooga area and included the following items: a letter from Manoo Bhakta, M.D., Medical Director and Susan Speraw, R.N., Ph.D., Directo Division of Pediatric Psychology, both from T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital; a FEAT-Chattanooga brochure; a copy of the CHAT test; and an order form for information packets and additional brochures.

A list of those who received the mailing will be available at the next meeting so that you can be sure your doctor received one. Extra mailing packets will be available for you to mail or take to your doctor.

Our next mailing will target childcare centers and pre-schools. That mailing is scheduled to go out before the beginning of May.

Internet Subscription Information

FEAT Online Newsletter. - From FEAT-Sacramento.

FEAT maintains a moderated private e-mail service, which condenses daily autism news, with a mix of items of interest to parents, educators and providers of services in Northern California.

FEAT collects timely information from a variety of sources related to Autism on the Internet. For those parents who do not have time to follow the 50 to 500 e-mails a day generated from those locations, FEAT publishes one or two messages a day. This is a real time saver that keeps you up to date.

Please contact the FEAT Online Newsletter editor, Lenny Schafer at the FEAT email address feat@feat.org to be added to the subscription list.

There are no subscription fees or commercial messages.

Did You Notice?

Did you notice our web address is different? The actual web page address has not changed--we just have an easier way of getting to it and an easier way for you to remember the web site. Thanks to our web site manager Kim!
