F.E.A.T. -
Chattanooga NEWSLETTER
PO Box 23731 Chattanooga, TN
37422 (423) 296-0092
Volume I Issue 4 March 1999
February's Guest Speaker
As part of our February meeting, Anna
Davenport, M.A., CCC-SLP gave a wonderful presentation on Speech Therapy
as it pertains to the needs of our children. It was a very informative and
uplifting talk. FEAT-Chattanooga says, "Thanks,
Upcoming Meetings
March 9, 1999 - No Regular Meeting
Guest Speaker - Karen
Harrison Topic: Communication, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution A
three-hour STEP Workshop Registration required. No children
April 13, 1999 - Guest Speaker
- Teresa
Bruns Topic: Occupational Therapy
May 11, 1999 - Guest Speaker
- Valerie
Jianotti Topic: Special
Meeting Time and Place
Second Tuesday of Each Month 6:30 pm Room
140 Massoud Pediatric Building T. C. Thompson Children's
Read our March Feature
(see our Group Information
This Space Available
We need your information for the newsletter.
Please fax, email or mail your submission to Phillip Deal prior to the
25th of each month.
Fax: 778-6837 Email:
message@featchatt.org Mail: PO Box
23731 Chatt, TN 37422
Welcome Packets
Don't forget if you haven't picked up your copy
of the Welcome Packet, please do so at the next meeting.
Project STEP Presents
"Next STEP: Communication, Negotiation and
Conflict Resolution"
Tuesday March 9, 1999 6:30 - 9:30
This FREE workshop replaces our monthly
meeting. Would you like to learn how to better communicate what your child
needs? Does your child have an educational plan that is not being carried
out and you want to know what steps to
Come and learn about your part in your child's
special education, including the skills you need to work with the schools
in the development of an appropriate education plan (IEP) for your child
and the process to follow if you are having difficulties making the
special education system work.
STEP (Support and Training for Exceptional
Parents) is a parent-to-parent program designed to inform and assist
parents regarding the education rights of their children in special
Registration is
required. Space is limited to 30 people. So please call as soon as
possible 1-800-280-7837 Sorry, no children please.
FEAT Television
On February 3rd and 4th, FEAT-Chattanooga members
Phillip Deal
and Cindy Marshall, along with Dr. Susan Speraw appeared on Channel 9. They
"got the word out" about Autism and our group and we've received several
interested phone calls related to their TV appearance. Great Job Cindy, Phil and
Dr. Speraw and Thanks to Channel
March 26 - 27,
1999 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, "Teach Your Children
Well." A 'How To' Conference for Parents and professionals working with
children with Behavior and/or Learning Problems. The cost of the
conference is $75.00 per day if you register by March 1st, and $90.00 per
day thereafter. The various pre-conference workshops are priced
separately. For further information, you can call (888) 423-4284,
or visit their web site at http://www.behavioranalysis.com/
April 8 - 9,
1999 Houston, Texas - Seven Internationally Recognized
experts offer ideas and strategies on: Early Intervention, Behavior
Challenges, Communication / Language and Music Therapy. Presented by
Future Horizons, Inc. For detailed information, visit http://www.futurehorizons-autism.com/ Conference may
satisfy state licensing requirements for special education teachers and
related special service professionals. Please consult your state's
licensing agency. Registration Fees: Professional ($145.00); Family
Member/Student ($120.00); Person with Autism or Single Day only
April 17 - 18,
1999 in Chicago, Illinois - "Recent Advances in the
Treatment of Autism for Enhancing Communication." Sponsored by Pyramid
Educational Consultants the founders of and the premier source of training
for PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). The fee for both days
(which includes lunch) is $250.00 for individuals and $400.00 for parent
couples. The optional dinner is an additional $35.00. For further
information, you can call Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. at (888)
752-7462, or visit http://www.pecs.com/
May 7 - 8,
1999 Dallas, Texas - Sponsored by FEAT-NT (North Texas)
"Intensive Behavioral Intervention in Autism" featuring Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D.
and others. Fees: Postmarked on or before April 9 $210.00 per person;
before April 27 $250.00 per person. On-site registration $275.00 per
person. For more information, visit http://www.lovaas.com/
July 6 - 10,
1999 Kansas City, Missouri - The Autism Society of
America's Annual National Conference will be held from July 6, 1999
through July 10, 1999 at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown in Kansas City,
Missouri. For more details, visit http://www.autism-society.org/