Upcoming Meetings
April 11, 2000 -
Guest Speaker: The Duff Family
May 9, 2000 -
Guest Speaker: to be announced
June 13, 2000 -
Guest Speaker: to be announced
Meeting Time and Place
Second Tuesday of Each Month
6:30 p.m. Room 140
Massoud Pediatric Building
T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital
Autism Awareness Month
April is National Autism Awareness Month.
FEAT-Chattanooga will be very active this month. Plans
- Local Television interviews regarding Autism and our FEAT Chapter.
- Billboards around Chattanooga announcing Autism Awareness Month and the
FEAT phone number.
- Mailing to over 600 childcare organizations in the area including
brochures about FEAT and the signs and symptoms of Autism.
- Outback Steakhouse Luncheon fundraiser.
(see article in this newsletter for more information).
- Mailing to the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce
members to alert local businesses about FEAT-Chattanooga and our purpose
to help families with children with autism.
- Autism Awareness ribbons (provided in this mailing) to be worn
throughout the entire month of April (or year-round). Boy or girl
pins for your ribbon have been donated by the Trapnell family and will be
available at the April meeting.
- Week of the Young Child at Warner Park.
April 11 and 12 from 9am to 4:30pm. FEAT-Chattanooga has reserved a booth
at the festival
and we need a few volunteers to help set up before
9 am and man the booth different times of the day.