City of Chattanooga
Office of the Mayor Proclamation
Whereas: Autism
is a severe, life-long development disability, resulting in the significant impairment
an individual's ability to learn, develop appropriate social skills, and understand
verbal, non-verbal,
and reciprocal communication; and
Whereas: Autism is the third most common developmental
disability, affecting more than 500,000 individuals
nationwide, and many individuals in Chattanooga; and
Whereas: No cure for Autism exists but persons
with Autism can reach their full potential with an early and
accurate diagnosis and by receiving the appropriate educational and medical interventions;
Whereas: Family support groups like F.E.A.T.-
Chattanooga, Families for Early Autism Treatment, are
dedicated to the ongoing efforts to advocate for the rights and appropriate interventions
of all
persons with Autism; and
Whereas: This family support group remains committed
through many volunteer hours to educating area
families, professionals in our community and the general public to better understand
this lifelong
disorder; and
Whereas: Outback Steakhouse near Hamilton Place
Mall and other prominent businesses in Chattanooga
will host an annual fund raising luncheon on April 27, 2002, to benefit the important
work performed
by F.E.A.T-Chattanooga; and
Whereas: Autism is a puzzling and complex disability
that requires increased medical research to one day find
a cure and prevention; and
Whereas: A greater recognition and understanding of Autism
will ensure individuals with Autism reach their
full potential as citizens of Chattanooga, Tennessee and the United States of America.
Now, Therefore, I, Bob Corker, Mayor of the City of Chattanooga,
do hereby proclaim the month of April, 2002 as
National Autism Awareness Month in Chattanooga, Tennessee.