Participants are needed
for an Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)
and Intensive Behavioral Intervention (I.B.I.)
Home Program Tutor (i.e. therapists and others who work in the program) study
which is being conducted by James A. Mulick, Ph.D. and Kay Smith, M.S.W. of
The Ohio State University, Children's Hospital (Columbus, Ohio), and Kimberly
A. Schreck, Ph.D. of
The Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg. They are gathering information
about the factors that affect the people who work with autistic children and
their families.
They are looking for families who have been conducting home EIBI
programs for their children, and (1) have been doing so for 1 month and longer,
(2) schedule 10 hours or more of ABA instruction per week, (3) tutors include
more people than their parents, and (4) the age of the child is between 18
months and (including) age 12 years.
Participants will be asked to complete two types of questionnaires.
A demographic questionnaire asks about your family, child, and program.
The second questionnaire asks about each of your tutors. The questionnaires
will be completed one time only. They ask you to return the questionnaires
to them in a provided self-addressed, stamped envelope. Identifying
information for yourself, your child, or your tutors will be kept in
the strictest confidence, and destroyed when the survey is completed.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact them.
They'd be grateful for a chance to send you complete information.
Families participating in the Ohio study, please contact Kay Smith by phone
(614-885-4817, evenings) or by e-mail (
Families participating with the Pennsylvania study, please contact
Kimberly Schreck by phone at (717-948-6048) or by e-mail (