in life.
Because I am the first thing you look for before
any toy or tv when you get off
the bus. I don't mind when you eat all the marshmallows
from the cereal.
Because you cling to me for at least a half
hour and sit on my lap and smile and
kiss me when I get home from work.
I just smiled when you pulled your pants down in church service.
Because you always have to sit by me in the
car and always have to get out my
side despite your mother's pleadings.
I won't say anything the next time you stand
up and scream in someone's ear
at a restaurant.
Heck I didn't complain when you took the screwdriver
and poked holes all over
my freshly painted walls did I? Because I knew you were
just trying to work like
you had seen me do earlier with the screwdriver.
To others you are screaming, but I know you
are trying to sing. Some hear you
having a tantrum but I know you are pretending
to be the Lion King protecting
your kingdom from the dreaded scar.
Because you run your mom all over Walmart thinking
it fun for her to chase you
but walk right beside me and never leave.
I don't mind stopping in the middle of work
and seeing a gallon of milk and glass
sitting on my lap waiting for me to pour.
I wish you would drink a hundred glasses
a day just so I could get it for you.
Because You have to sleep right between your
Mom and Me and occasionally give
her a hug but have to sleep closer to me. And because
you have to copy my every
I don't care if all my tools are somewhere
in the back yard. You can play with them
all you want.
I won't even say anything the next time we
leave you with your sister and you see
your mom and I leaving and jump through the
screen window to go with us.
And because your mom couldn't potty train you
and was frustrated and all I had to
say was "uh oh" and look hurt you was trained
in two weeks.
I will let you line up all the vegetable cans from the cupboards every night if you want.
You see C. I welcome these things you do because
I know you do them not from frustration and anger as some would say. I know you
play in a different way. You
sing in a different way. You love in a deeper way.
Although I hope you one day say intelligible words. I pray you never lose your wonderful
spirit. You are my prize.
You are what makes a boring day worth coming home to,
knowing that you will be
there waiting for my arrival with a big smile and twinkling
eyes. You are more alive
than the world around you.
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