Hi! I just wanted to pass along what happened yesterday to those
who really
need some encouragement right now (like me). We are in the middle of
disagreement with the school system (have an IEP scheduled for Friday) and
with running my son's home ABA program and dh is out of town most
of this month,
its getting a little bit stressful around here. :-)
My son (4 1/2, autistic, non-verbal) was watching a tape of Barney
and I got a
phone call. I thought it might be a potential tutor for my son (went
to a career
fair at the local university and got a great list of interested people
last week).
Anyway, this is a summary of my phone conversation: Girl on the phone said,
"Is this [my name]?" I said yes. She said, "Hi, this is
J••••. [another mother in
our FEAT Chapter] asked me to call you. I saw something
on the news about
your group and wanted to help out, but missed the phone number, so I called
the station and they gave me her number." "I'm autistic. I didn't start
until I was 5 years old". Well, you could have blown me over with a feather.
I said "Oh, wow!" [speechlessness is not my usual trait]
She and I talked for
5-10 minutes and to summarize, she was diagnosed with autism in the
late 1970's
and it was recommended to her mother that they institutionalize
her. Her mother
She is now attending the local State College and has a job and
drives and
really wants to help out with our group. She seemed to be very insightful
and had a great sense of humor. She said
that other than his being
institutionalized, she and the character in Rain Man
were very similar --
that she has a thing for numbers
and can remember phone numbers very
well but still dislikes loud noises.
We talked about all kinds of
things and before we hung up, I told
her that
I appreciated her talking to me, that she was a great inspiration. This
the first time (that I am aware of) that I, personally, have talked with an
on the autism spectrum. I don't know what I would have expected if someone
told me she was going to call, and I know that each child is
different and
one will "turn out" different, but I can't help but feel inspired and given
a fresh
ray of hope. Just when I needed one.
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