1. Instead of lists to organize your schedule, you
start doodling
Mayer Johnson pictures.
2. A statement like "Our OT ordered AIT, ASAP, to help with
makes perfect sense to you.
3. You order at a restaurant not necessarily what you have
taste for, but according to food color and texture.
4. You go new clothes shopping at second-hand shops
(no breaking in necessary!).
5. The barber tools
required for your child's haircut includes
sedatives, a flashlight or night vision goggles, and a scissors
6. You break into hysterical
fits of laughter when the doctor
sends in only one nurse to give your child his immunization,
and she exclaims "It will only take a second!"
7. Seven different meals need to be prepared for your family
of four.
8. The thought of your child's upcoming dental
visit gives you
anxiety attacks that require medications and therapy.
9. You do a dance of victory after dry-kissing your daughter
and she doesn't wipe her mouth afterwards.
10. You start wearing your socks and underwear inside-out
because it really does feel more comfortable that way.
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