the morning with her at Chuck E. Cheese. I just
cannot believe how well she is doing!
When she was 3 years old she was very hard to deal with.
We could
not communicate with
her. She could not say "mommy", she could not say "yes"
or "no" or even nod her head.
She did not understand. We would take her places and
she would scream uncontrollable.
It was hard for her to make a transition. She had
to always carry something with her.
She would latch on to something and carry it
for days!
She had hardly any speech. She would always "jargon"! She did
not socialize! She rolled
around on the ground in her own world. She would scream
if you looked at her or tried to
talk to her. She had horrible eye contact. She
didn't understand what was going on
around her.
When she was 15 months old she was fine, she smiled at us, had
great eye contact, had
some speech, use to say "hi" and look at you. Three to six
months after she received her
MMR shot she slowly started to loose her words, slowly
stopped being social, and slowly
lost her eye contact. By the time she was 3 years
old she was evaluated at a 6 - 9 month
level. She would always have temper tantrums, no one would know what she
My niece was put in a special preschool and received
speech and occupational therapy.
My family was very optimistic. She was getting
better but very, very slowly.
In October we saw DATELINE about the secretin and the same day
on a local news
program got a phone number to Dr. B. for more information about
secretin. My sister
called and a few days later went to a seminar of his. At the
seminar he convinced my
sister to put my niece on the casein and gluten free diet!
By December she was so much
better! We thought this is it! We found what works.
We couldn't understand why we
weren't told to do this diet 2 years ago when she
was first diagnosed.
On December 9th my niece received 1 vial of secretin. Within 24
hours we could see
a difference. She asked "why?", started to write her name, started
to write her name,
and she started to draw detailed pictures of things. We could
not believe it. My sister
is not planning on getting anymore.
In the last 4 months my niece has dramatically improved!! Today
she tries to play with
other children. She draws detailed pictures and tells you
a story about her picture!
At Chuck E. Cheese today I could not believe how clear
she was. She looks perfect.
You can not tell there is a problem! She looks at things
around her and notices people
like a normal 4 year old does.
I asked her to help my 2 year old daughter up in the tubes at
Chuck E. Cheese. She took
my daughter's hand and was helping her around and talking
and smiling at her. My 2 year
old loves her! Her speech is still behind. But she
communicates her thoughts and wants.
She just started asking this week "What's this?"
Unbelievable! :)
My sister talked to Dr. B. the other day.
He wants my sister to
talk at the Orlando
Conference in May! He wants her to tell everyone about my niece. Dr. B. told my sister
that he feels by the time she enters first grade in September
2000 you will not be able
to tell there was a problem. He said "She had characteristics
of classic autism at 3 years
old, but today I don't even consider her PDD." Dr.
B. calls her a "responder" because she
has responded so well from the diet and secretin.
If it was not for Dr. B. and convincing us to do the diet I do
not know where my niece
would be today. My sister that my niece continues to improve
so much because of the
casein and gluten free diet she is on. It can take up to
a year to clean out her body.
There is a really good book about this diet by Lisa
Lewis called "Special Diets for
Special Kids". We just want other parents to know
our story.
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